Thursday 18 July 2013

We heart it

We heart it is a photography app where people can upload pictures of literally anything. It's one of my favourite apps as It is great for instagram pictures and what ever else you may need them for. I love the pictures as they can be generally just great to look at. That might sound like some sort of boring geeky stuff but It's actually pretty cool.

Me and Jane both have We Heart It. If you would like to follow us our names are:
Jane - Janecxxx

Mine - AmberHeartBeauty

Please follow us as we'd be crazy greatful and be sure to create an account as I think you'd like it :)

There are many Images obviously and I wanted to share a few of my favourites with you.

This one is probably the general kind of photos I get the most. They are sort of like body shots to show the outfits models or general people are wearing and I cannot help feeling they look so cool. The clothes they wear I love so much. Unfortunatley on We heart it there isn't any captions to photos which means there isn't any description of wear to buy them from. You can probably get similar shorts from places like Primark, New Look or pretty much any clothes shops aimed for our age range.
On this photo I just love the studs, I want shorts exactly like that so if you know any particular ones please tell me.

I don't have to point out the obvious to tell you this one is a collage of 5 pictures of a girl wearing make-up. This is the kind of thing I use for blog posts or to base make-up videos on (Not that we have done any tutorial videos yet). I love everything about this, the lips, the eyes, everything looks perfect and this is not my make-up on a regular day! The problem is models in most of these pics are perfect and sadly not alot like me ;(.

Haha, I love this photo beacuse of how cool this girl looks. Photo's like this are usually done by models as they are better looking that people like me. I love the clothes the models wear aswell. They are again the kind of outfits that I would love to walk past in a shop at a cheap price as I can guarentee they'd be coming home with me. In this picture also I love her hair as I want mine to be like that but it might have to grow a few inches first ;)

So that is some of my photos I found and loved today on We Heart It. There are plenty more photos on their of this kind of styles. There are also many other type's of photo's you can find like quote, food etc. I recommend you check it out as I love it and I hope you do too :))))))

Thanks For Reading x


p.s. I am soo sorry for the lack of blog posts. I only really do these posts when I feel 'In the mood' and that doesn't happen too often. I also was very busy with Carnivals and Trips to France but I am hoping to do some more very soon and I will try not to do it again ;) TY!!

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