Monday 11 March 2013

Why Nail Polish turns your nails yellow?

So I was reading that this happens and I researched to find out why:
I have also found out how to stop this happening :)

Your nails are actually very compacted, dense squares of epidermis cells, which are what make up your skin. They are considered dead but are filled with a type of protein called keratin. The nails grow from the nail beds out and they take about six months to grow completely.

Because nails are just packed squares of epidermis and protein, they need oxygen and hydration to slow down their dying process. Without enough oxygen and enough hydration, they become yellow as they continue to die while growing from the nail bed. This is partly why it’s not unusual for someone older to have yellow nails, as the aging process keeps hydration and oxygen from nails.

When you cover your nails with polish, this also starves them of oxygen which they get from the air around them, and helps to dry out your nails. They then decay more rapidly so they become yellow and sometimes brittle. The keratin protein in nails is not being fed when you wear polish which in turn leads to yellowing

Your nails also absorb some of the stains and dyes from the polish. They are not a solid surface like glass, but have some pores and ridges in which your polish can settle. The dyes used in polish are very strong and resilient as they’re meant to avoid chipping or fading, so it’s no surprise that they can permanently stain nails. The yellow color may go away as the nail grows out but rarely can you remove it completely just with polish.

Polish and remove are not the only causes of yellow nails. Smoking can make your nails yellow as the tar and nicotine in cigarettes make their way to your nails through the bloodstream. Psoriasis or a fungal infection can also cause yellow nails, especially on the toes. You might also stain your fingernails if you come into contact with certain foods or food dyes on a regular basis. Typically nail polish is very safe and a good buffing can remove the yellow color between polishes.

Sorry if thats a bit boring but I didn't know this and am interested as I dont want yellow nails.
Thank you for reading

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