Wednesday 10 April 2013

3 Top Beauty Tips

Tips are very important in beauty because there are certain ways to do things to achieve healthy skin and make yourself more beautiful than you already are.

1. So this step was actually from a magazine. I know this step myself obviously but It is kind of like a quote from Jessica Raine from Call The Midwife as it was a beauty interview with her.
She said. "Take your make-up off before you go to bed and moisturise".
This is an obvious one and everybody practically knows it but I still dont follow it.
I do wash my makeup off before I go to bed if I remember but I usually forget. This can cause spots and blemishes. Which is why following this step will defenetly benefit you.

2. This is more of a reminder than a tip but I want to tell you that spot creams and treatments don't always work. You can try getting a prescription from your local docters but if your spots arn't that bad you shouldn't worry about it. Spots happen to everybody and especially around the teenage age. Its natural and sometimes cant be helped. Using drugstore spot creams is just putting chemicals into your skin without a garaunteed chance of them working. Prescribing from your docter is a better option.

3. Okay so my final step is relax more often.
To look beautiful you have to be happy and relaxing is a way to do so.
It can be hard work because often we look at ourselves in the mirror and don't like what we see. So we try our hardest to be what we call 'Perfect' but sometimes we need to take a chill and think of nothing. Including all the worries you have etc. Forget them. Because worrying about random pieces of crap will get you nowhere. Chill out for a bit and just think to yourselves. If people dont like what they see then they know where to stick it because this is me. Deal with it.

So these are 3 important steps to looking and feeling beautiful. Don't care what over people think of you! Because if they don't like it then tough. What are they gonna do about it?


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